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Reunificación familiar

Updates to the Family Reunification processes for Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras

Michael Brooks-Jimenez, P. C., we are pleased to share the following information about the implementation of the new processes of family reunification for Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. The Department of Homeland Security announces notices in the Federal Register for the permitting processes humanitarian of family reunification (FRP) in several countries. Discover more about these

Updates to the Family Reunification processes for Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras Leer más »

Reunificación familiar

New permitting processes humanitarian of family reunification for colombians in the united States

Michael Brooks-Jimenez assist in the process of family reunification. The Department of National Security of the united States (DHS) has announced a new permitting processes humanitarian of family reunification for certain nationals of Colombia who are the main beneficiaries of a Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, approved, and their immediate family members

New permitting processes humanitarian of family reunification for colombians in the united States Leer más »

Visa U

Can a person who has been the victim of a crime, to apply for the u visa and get your legal citizenship in the country?

Michael Brooks-Jimenez advice on applications of various visa, as the Visa U. The U-visa is an invaluable resource for those who have been victims of violence. This type of visa is designed specifically to provide protection and support to those who have suffered abuse and trauma. To apply, it is necessary to present evidence

Can a person who has been the victim of a crime, to apply for the u visa and get your legal citizenship in the country? Leer más »

Residencia para padres de ciudadano americano

My parents are in delicate health in Mexico and I want to take care of them. I am a us citizen, can I fix your papers, to bring them back?

Our attorneys are at the service of the community to provide advice on issues such as u.s. residency, visas, and other. Of course, a citizen(a) americano(a) you may request an application for the residence of their parents. This process involves following certain steps and comply with the established requirements. The first step to apply for the residence of the

My parents are in delicate health in Mexico and I want to take care of them. I am a us citizen, can I fix your papers, to bring them back? Leer más »

I was assaulted and beat me. I went to the hospital and I made the police report. Are there any possibilities to fix this incident?

Michael Brooks-Jiménez P.C., abogados especialistas en inmigración. http://brooksjimenez.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Inmigracion-Agosto-25-2022.mp4 Si colaboró con la policía para lograr el arresto de los responsables de un crimen violento del cual fue víctima, puede aplicar para la Visa U. Sin embargo, para que su solicitud pueda proceder, debe poder comprobar su condición de víctima y haber brindado apoyo sustancial en

I was assaulted and beat me. I went to the hospital and I made the police report. Are there any possibilities to fix this incident? Leer más »


I came to the USA in 2011 when he was 14 years old, however, not applied for DACA because he had no knowledge of how it worked. Can I still apply?

En Michael Brooks-Jimenez P.C. estamos para asesorarlo y resolver sus dudas sobre inmigración. https://brooksjimenez.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/MBJ-Immigration-Sep-08_-2022.mp4 Desafortunadamente, en este momento no se están aceptando nuevas solicitudes para el programa DACA (Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia). Las restricciones y limitaciones en el programa DACA son resultado de decisiones y cambios en las políticas migratorias por

I came to the USA in 2011 when he was 14 years old, however, not applied for DACA because he had no knowledge of how it worked. Can I still apply? Leer más »


My nephew is in Mexico, it has a tourist visa, but if he is home with his girlfriend a U.S. citizen, how quickly he would fix his immigration status to him?

Resuelva sus dudas sobre inmigración y relaciones con ciudadanos estadounidenses de la mano de nuestros abogados. http://brooksjimenez.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/MBJTHUSEPT1-1.mp4 Depende de dónde tendrá lugar la boda. Si el sobrino viene a los EEUU con visa de turista, no podrá casarse ni meter ningún tipo de aplicación durante los primeros 90 días. Si se casan una vez pasado

My nephew is in Mexico, it has a tourist visa, but if he is home with his girlfriend a U.S. citizen, how quickly he would fix his immigration status to him? Leer más »


I was threatened by text messages, where I said that I was going to be deported if you do not comply with an order. Can I apply for a political asylum?

Los abogados de Michael Brooks-Jiménez le brindan la asesoría que requiere para su situación de inmigración. https://brooksjimenez.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Michel-Brooks-Jimenez-102422.mp4 La respuesta es NO. El asilo político se refiere a la situación en la cual una persona busca refugio en los Estados Unidos debido a problemas políticos en su país de origen. Si ya reside en este país

I was threatened by text messages, where I said that I was going to be deported if you do not comply with an order. Can I apply for a political asylum? Leer más »

Situación de inmigración

I worked for many years with an id under another name. When you have the chance to fix my immigration status, does this I will be affected?

En Michael Brooks-Jiménez lo ayudamos a que resuelva sus inquietudes frente a su situación de inmigración. https://brooksjimenez.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Telemundo-October-13-2022-1.mp4 Basado en mi experiencia, es poco probable que su situación se vea afectada cuando tenga la oportunidad de arreglar su estatus migratorio. De hecho, es bastante común que las personas indocumentadas utilicen documentos o seguros falsos para trabajar.

I worked for many years with an id under another name. When you have the chance to fix my immigration status, does this I will be affected? Leer más »

Inmigración - Michael Brooks Jiménez P.C.

Can I adjust my status after an unlawful entry Into the united States?

An illegal entry into the united States may have severe consequences for the people who seek to adjust their legal status. The immigration law of the U.S. has created a series of penalties for those who enter and remain in the country without a permit. We will explain the problems here. What is an unlawful entry into the United

Can I adjust my status after an unlawful entry Into the united States? Leer más »

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