
Michael Brooks-Jimenez and his team are Oklahoma City attorneys with more than 25 years of experience and are known for being strong advocates in defending the rights of Latinos in the United States. By working on all types of cases: legal immigration, deferred action, naturalization applications, personal injury, criminal defense, and workers' compensation, they have proven that they are truly the " Attorneys of the Community."

Michael Brooks-Jiménez

Our attorneys are prepared to assist you in person or virtually to help you with your work permit, green card, TPS, and other services.

Our Immigration Lawyers are ready to assist you face - to - face or virtual, to be able to help you with your Work Permit, Green Card, TPS, and other services.
We can assist you with applications related to Immigration, criminal defense cases, personal injury, and worker’s compensation cases.
Immigration cases
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Worker's Compensation cases
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Criminal Defense cases
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Personal Injury cases
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Immigration cases
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Criminal Defense cases
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Personal Injury cases
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Worker's Compensation cases
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Our Services


Fix your papers NOW!,  Our immigration team is ready to work on your case.

Personal Injury

You have rights! It doesn’t matter if you are undocumented, if you have suffered an accident or injury due to someone else’s fault, we will defend your rights.

Criminal Defense

You are not alone! We will help you solve your legal problems, contact us now.

Worker's Compensation

We are the lawyers you can trust! If it has been injured on the job,we can accompany you and advise you on your rights as a victimnegotiate with the insurance companies and obtain the compensation that you deserve.



Schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys to discuss your case



Schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys to discuss your case

Our Office

We defend the rights We defend the rights of the community.

We are located at 5708 S. WESTERN AVENUE, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73109

We are lawyers in  Oklahoma City and its surroundings. We defend the rights of the community.  located in 5708 S. WESTERN AVENUE, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73109

Our Attorneys

Michael Brooks-Jimenez

Michael is a senator and a lawyer manager responsible for the firm specializing in Immigration law, Criminal Defense, Workers Compensation, and Personal Injury.

Natalia Riveros - Jacobsen

Natalia Riveros-Jacobsen serves as the managing Partner specializing in complex cases of Immigration.

Kim Nguyen

Kim Nguyen in charge of all Worker's Compensation and Personal Injury cases within the firm.

César Cano

Cesar Cano – Head of the department of Immigration, in charge of family cases and deportation. 

Samuel Wargin Grimaldo

Sam Wargin Grimaldo –  Head of the area of Criminal Defense, in charge of all cases of criminal Defense.

Your Community - Your Attorneys

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Latest News

accidente de tránsito
Personal Injury

Qué hacer si eres sufres un accidente de tránsito mientras caminas

Ser atropellado por un coche como peatón puede ser una experiencia traumática y confusa. En los momentos posteriores al accidente de tránsito, es importante mantener la calma y tomar las medidas necesarias para proteger tu salud y tus derechos. En este blog, te guiaremos a través de los pasos que debes seguir si eres atropellado

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Criminal Defense

DUI vs. DWI en Oklahoma: Entendiendo la diferencia

En Oklahoma, conducir bajo la influencia (DUI) y conducir bajo los efectos (DWI) son términos que a menudo se usan indistintamente. Sin embargo, legalmente tienen significados diferentes y las consecuencias de cada cargo son distintas.   ¿Cuál es la diferencia? Todo se reduce al nivel de concentración de alcohol en la sangre (BAC). Un DUI

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Compensación por accidente de trabajo
Compensación Laboral

7 pasos a seguir después de un accidente de trabajo

¿Has sufrido un accidente en el trabajo? Saber qué hacer en los momentos posteriores al accidente puede ser crucial para tu recuperación y para proteger tus derechos. En este blog, te guiaremos a través de los 7 pasos que debes seguir después de un accidente de trabajo:   1. Busca atención médica inmediata. Si tu

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Associations & Memberships

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